Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Date: 5 June 2012.

Dear All,

Please post all new comments to this thread as the comments section in the previous thread has gone too large and is unwieldy.

Best regards


  1. Thanks Beastie. Let me be the first one to post my comments here. Ha ha !

    I think you would probably need to make a final comment in the last thread to inform about this new one. Some members would not be Internet savvy and may not know a new Thread exists.

    1. Well, I disabled comments in the previous post. Hence no-one can post on that anymore and will sooner or later realize that there is a new post.

  2. This thread looks better. Does anyone have the latest updates on Bestino ? Is the Action Committee going ahead with the meeting with Chong ?

  3. Dont wait for 3,4 months MR.Chong,went you got the money please pay back the money as soon as posible to the investors.they all really need money for there childrens education.some of them included me,really crying everyday whent wake up in morning.and some of them even canot sleep because of BESTINO.THINK OF PEOPLE MR. CHONG.THIS IS THE REALLY THE TRUTH.TQ

  4. Look like we have got our arses torn on this one.

  5. None of the Action Committee active in this blog ?
    Looks like we have no update on what happened during the meeting between PM and Action Committee.

  6. I don't think so CHONG will retuen our money cause maybe he want to wait for election.

  7. And the court case drags on and on .........

  8. What has the election got to do with our money?

  9. Updates;-The so called expected meeting between Action Committee and Chong on 11th Jun did not take place.According to my sources there was a disagreement on the venue of the meeting. Only God knows the true reasons for this adamant, insincere and egoistic stand by both parties concerned. However I hope they compromise on a tripartite expected meeting between the Second Finance Minister, Chong and the Action Committee. I also heard that Chong sincerely wants to involve the Action Committee in future discussions and meetings pending final settlement of investors capital and as such why not give this arrangement a chance without any prejudice. What say you, folks? Another information received just now that a group of investors led by the Action Committee staged a peaceful candlelight vigil and holding banners at Buntong Teluk Kurin roundabout at 8.00pm earlier.

  10. We definitely support the Action Committee being part of discussions with Bestino and we fully support the Action Committee. However, we ask that the Action Committee updates us via this blog. Right now they only update people that they know. Please use this blog as well. It has a wider reach.

  11. I have faith in the Action Committee - Madam Saras, I salute you.
    They were the one who got the balls rolling and I doubt that they will give up now. Way to go Action Committee! Please keep the investors posted on this blog so as to support your actions. Thank you.

  12. Bestino Investors Info:
    Pls join our struggle to get our money back. Do come for a Candle Light Vigil on Thursday 14 June @8.00 pm Buntong roundabout.
    AJK Bestino
    Please forward to investors.

  13. Chong has blamed everyone. He blamed BNM, then the authorities (which one I have no idea), then HK cos cannot bring back money. Refused to meet the act com & lied about it in the papers. Not wanting to meet BNM officials. Now he blames the act com. Why after the proof of funds he has taken so long to find out he cannot bring back the money? If we still believe that he is willing to work things out with us, I am not sure what to say.

  14. 1st, demo's, then petitions to all the authorities, then meet Fin Min. Now candle light vigil. What does this show? Nothing is working. All authorities not helping. Chong not bothered cos if he not bothered about BNM, Fin Min, PM's Dept, etc, you think he going to be bothered about candle light vigil? But we can't do anything else cos that would be criminal. So after this, next action, sit home and cry that we are fated and find consolation God will punish Chong.

    1. I wonder if the said actions have gone awry because there seems to be a lack of focus on directions perceived. I also wonder if there is any legitimacy or locus standing of the organizers to continue future actions unless they are officially registered with the authorities. And again I am not sure if they had actually garnered enough quorum from about 6764 investors to pursue all actions thus far. No doubt I appreciate their noble intentions I also feel they are overdoing things and may mislead and provoke violent retaliation by emotionally and financially distressed investors.Please understand this situation very carefully because in the event something unwarranted happens, EVERY INVESTOR LOSES.;;;;Period.Thank you.

  15. Yeah, it is time we get updates from the Action Comm via this blog. At least it is direct from the horse's mouth.

  16. Chong lickers are at it again, scaring us that we will lose our money if we provoke. Does any of you really believe chong going to return your money? He has tried every trick and blamed everyone. No authority is helping. Use your brains. Chong wants all to just get fedup & giveup. As you can see in this blog, less and less people are writing. No one can do anything while the thief walks freely. What a country and what a race indians are!

    1. You must be a real moronic racist and disloyal citizen of this country trying to provoke and condemn the INDIANS.Commonsense should prevail after Chong sent individual letters to investors and the contents of which are self explanatory.Please also refer to letter from Chong to Action Com. dated 15th June below and you must realize that Chong is walking the talk to engage the Com. as I mentioned in my posting recently,in spite of all condemnations and derogatory remarks passed. Also less people are commenting now as I believe they are coming to their their senses after being mislead.This man is being charged in court and his international passport impounded and you comment 'the thief walks freely'. A person prosecuted in court and found guilty is under no obligations to reimburse our investments, but Chong has promised to do otherwise no matter what the court decision is ultimately. Please think about this matter. Thank you.

  17. Letter from Bestino dated 15 June 2012 to Act.Com.


    Your letter dated 11/06/2012 hand delivered on 12/06/2012 has reference.

    2, I apprecited the concerns shown by the committee. Thank you very much.

    3. I am prepared to meet not only the Finance Minister, but any others including the relevant officers of Bank Negara Malaysia once I am ready with the fund and approval from the authorities in Hong Kong to tansfer the said fund to Malaysia. I also understand without the cooperation of the Finance Ministry and Bank Negara Malaysia it will not be possible for the smooth transfer of funds, but meeting anyone at this moment will not be meaningul.

    4. Please allow me to complete my mission within the 3 to 4 months period as I have requested on 28/05/2012 via letters to all customers.

    5. Thank you very much for the concern shown and the cooperation given so far.

    Yours faithfully,
    Chng Yuk Ming
    Managing Director

    1. Thank you brother for your posting of this letter although you are not in the Act.Com.

    2. Thanks for posting the letter from YM Chong to the Action Committee.

    3. thanks for your info.

  18. http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2012/06/05/settle-our-woes-bestino-investors-tell-bnm-again/

  19. Semua pelabur pelabur Bestino di jemput hadir ke " Candle Light Vigil JUMPA MENTERI PULANGKAN WANG" pada 21/06/2012 jam 8 malam di hadapan rumah Pengarah Bestino Chong Yuk Ming. Alamat : No 121 & 123, Jalan Wong Kwai Kee, Taman Pertama, 30100 Ipoh, perak.
    (Meeting Point TAVITHIN KUDARAM at 7.45pm.Please join us.

    1. Hullo "Anonymous"-Sorry to point out that calling for so called gathering is highly illegal unless you identify yourself with name and phone contact and police permit. Otherwise if any untoward thing happens because of this info, you may be held liable subject the present communications laws in place. Just some friendly advice from a fellow investor.

  20. Where is TAVITHIN KUDARAM???

  21. 'BERITA TERKINI'-Commenting on earlier info received vide this blogsite and after an analysis I am very upset to realize that some people have gone berserk to suggest so called "Candle Light Vigil" to invade other people's private space and disturb the neighbourhood peace at the expense of gullible old and poor vulnerable investors manipulated strongly by parties affiliated with the opposition who are only bent to get political mileage as the elections are around the corner.I have also come to know Chong has replied to the "Action Committee" yesterday to arrange so called tripartite meeting between the Minister,Action Com. and Chong himself as soon as possible.Just a piece of advice to whoever gets involved in this illegal gatherings, there is a high possibility of a fracas and physical violence occurring if there is a counter gathering of AGENT'S or DIRECTORS' diehard supporters.With a police precautionary report made and upon legal consultation and also video documentation made why must we succumb to so called foolish ideas[Sorry, this point of view is made from a concerned Agent's point of view].PLEASE THINK VERY CAREFULLY OF THE CONSEQUENCES BEFORE YOU REACT. Thank you and let peaceful solutions prevail to our forlorn problems.God bless you.

    1. I presume you are from MIC? Or Bestino? Please DO NOT bring politics into this. Please do not try to politicize anything. We do not need your type of people on this blog.

  22. Still plenty of Chong lickers who are trying their best to help chong make as much as possible from the money he took from us. Still trying to stop any action against chong. Wonder what these lickers have done so far to get our money back and how much they getting from chong.

  23. Latest news.... Ipoh Bestino want to closedown anytime. Now they do the preparation to close down. How long u all want to wait?????? If ipoh office close ready means very difficult for us.

    1. Can anyone double confirm the above

  24. There are still to many staff in Bestino , what are they doing there, i went to the office the staff make dont' know...what are the chinese staff doing nothing, when i went to invest the money those day the chinese staff welcome me but now they make dont know,they assume nobody business & not even talk to us...They are mostly related to chong right ?????

  25. To Ipoh investors, Can the above news be confirmed that Bestino is closing down the office ? Thanks.

  26. What you going to do if you hear bestino closing office? He has been cheating us from the start - that was the plan. This is a ponzi scheme, only difference is he is still a free man because no authority is willing to help and the majority indian investors got no balls. 3 cheers for Malaysia boleh!

  27. The amount of pain & suffering I have gone through because of this. Everything gone. Yes, I am to be blamed. But it was not greed, just plain stupidity. I saved & planned well all my life, just to be tricked by not only chong but by the authorities. When bestino went into PNG gold mining, It was published in the papers like a big deal. Make people believe & trust. Now no one comes to our help.

  28. Bestino investors please refer to Free Malaysia Today 22/6/2012

    1. Thank-you. For others, the URL is:

  29. Letter dated 20th June 2012 by Chong Yuk Ming to Action Com.

    Dear Sir,
    Re: Status and the upcoming Developments of Bestino
    Group Bhd. Shares Refund to 6764 Shareholders

    With reference to your letter dated 18 June 2012, as requested by your committee, I am prepared to meet Y.B. Finance Minister at his and your convenience.

    Therefore, please proceed to make the appointment and inform me in advance.

    My humble request is to have not exceeding 7 members from your committee to attend the said meeting with the Minister.

    Thank You

    Yours Faithfully,

    Chong Yuk Ming
    (Managing Director)


  30. This goes to show that Chong Yuk Ming is a gentleman and not like others who have closed shop and run away. I am not a Chong licker, but lets give this man a chance although its more than 3 years since we saw our money.

    1. He is probably banking on the fact that it would be difficult to get an appointment with the Finance Minister. Pretending to act the gentleman.

  31. I too hate Chong for the misery he has caused to us and our families, but the only consolation is that he's still around and hasn't absconded. He's trying to figure out how to convert his black money into white which he says is in HK (his proof of funds). Hope he doesn't lie to the Act. Com and the Finance Ministry and further delay the return of our money.

  32. Anyone knows when the meeting is going to be arranged? Please update us. Thank you.

  33. No updates? Chong ask for 3-4 months, already 2 months. Now due to the meeting wt Fin min, he will drag.

    1. Chong asked for 3-4 months, the letter was dated 28-05-2012, from the date he requested till tomorrow is only 1 month, not 2 months yet. If you give out wrong info here, you might mislead other investors.

  34. I check ready confirm ipoh office will close soon.

    1. Hi, wondering where you get the news from. This morning i call up Bestino Ipoh office, the Indian staff told me no such thing that Ipoh office will be closing down soon.

  35. Great - now we know we are skrewed. Chong will plead guilty, then enjoy our RM400 mil. Where the chong lickers now? What you got to say - give more time?

  36. Come on guys,what is happening now.Do we wait for another 3-4 months or take drastic action.Definately Chong is not planning to pay back the investors.If Chong is really sincere, by now he should have paid back all the investors.There must be a way to get back our hard earned money.Who knows how?Please help.

  37. Bestino office says no news yet. That means their office is still open. Action Com. should update on this blog the latest developments.

  38. Yes, I really hope & request Act Com update us. Is the meeting arranged wt the Fin Min? Or is chong giving all kind of excuses to escape? Please let us know.

  39. mesyuarat umum bestino. 1.7.12 jam 2 petang. dewan serbaguna jalan guntong. buntong. ipoh isu. bincang jumpa menteri kewangan, pengarah bestino chong &ajk. senarai nama pelabur akan di sampaikan kepada menteri bersama tuntutan pelabur. harap semua hadir. jika nama anda terlepas, anda sendiri di tanggung jawap . tk ajk pelabur bestimo sebarkan

    1. I refer to sms above from AJK Pelabur Bestino and read with bemusement this phrase "harap semua hadhir, jika nama anda terlepas,anda sendiri di tanggung jawap". I perceive this statement to mean as a threat and warning to investors who don"t sing to the tune of "AJK Bestino". First they threaten to perform illegal candle light vigil in front of all directors and agents houses disturbing the neighbourhood peace and also subjecting innocent and gullible protestors to possible physical harm ,counter lawsuits and police arrest in the event these gatherings happen to turn unruly and violent unfortunately. Please do not make yourself unpopular with the majority of the investors at the expense of a political game.My sound advise is patience and that"s the name of this waiting game and I am sure you will be rewarded soon. Thank you.

    2. Bestino, please stop trying to scare us into not protesting. It is not going to work

  40. We have come to the end of the road. Only 1 thing left - has the act com decided on the meeting with the Fin Min and has chong agreed to the date? If the Act Com has confirmed a date with the Fin Min and if the meeting takes place, then we wait the outcome. But if chong tries to avoid or drag the meeting, then we know for sure he is trying to escape? Does this make sense to all? If chong tries to avoid the meeting, then what are we going to do? Wait & be patient? That's what we have to decide.

  41. Bestino office open, giving same old story they dont know.

  42. sometimes i do believe tht one day i will get back my money but most of the time something makes me to think tht is gone... anyway, my only hope now is i will know the YES or NO answer before i go mad n commit suicide..:( DAMN!


    1. Why do you guys keep appealing to the useless Najib? Work towards getting rid of him in the coming elections.

  44. What does the BN goverment or Bestino gain by returning the money back to mostly INDIAN(TAMIL SPEAKING) investors?In Malaysia historically, the malays and the chinese are the dominant race.The INDIANS are just third class people(not very important).This is a fact and most of us know this by now.So how do we get back our money?Who is going to help us get back our money?

  45. Any news on the meeting with Fin Min by the action com? Should not that be the priority? Act Com, please let us know. You have been of great help, we need to know.

  46. its becoming a phobia for me now.. to come here n see the updates everyday.. my only hope is one day i would see the YES update.. will tht happen?

  47. A word of thanks to who ever setup up this blog...I too might loose almost 300+K...just because of one silly mistake...trust not greed...

    Let's hope ALL IS FINE...superstar Vijay thought us this!

  48. No updates from anyone? Anyone in contact with the action com? Are we going to let rm400mil go? I just cannot understand how a person like chong can do this to so many poor people who have worked & suffered all their lives? Why do people do this? Afterall he already so rich.

  49. Chong, give back our money, please. We are suffering. Don't do this to others.

  50. Chong has finally won. He has shut everyone's mouth.Everyone has given up and that's why no one is bothered to say anything in this blog.

    1. What to say? All money gone. Have to come out of retirement and look for job. No time for anything else.

  51. Chong is so smart. He lies and lies, giving hope. Finally e'one gets fedup & give up. He just keeps the rm400mil - no need to do a'thing. Y? Cos he knows indians no balls, cannot do a'thing. Just carry on making fools of them.

    1. What is on your mind when you make such racial remarks! I am really fed up when some morons come up with such provoking statements -"indians no balls".It takes a greater fool to recognize another fool.You are as blind as a bat oblivious to the great ongoing efforts being taken by so many noble INDIAN investors without even any moral support from 'other races'. Eventually in the event of a successful conclusion to this saga, this so called "freeloaders" will be tagged as scumbags. In conclusion if you have nothing constructive to say, just keep dumb!

  52. How come no updates? Are we giving up? Its going to be 2 months and no news at all from bestino or chong?

    1. bro chong said 4 months, so until end of October 2012 we wont have any update

  53. Whats the update from the proposed gathering recently? Any news when we will get back our money?

  54. I will pray that bloody Chong live well and healthy for the next few years with all the money that he has swindled. Better still when he can be imprisoned so that he can be well taken care by the prison authority. Given a few more years after his release from the prison and by then when my responsibilities to my children and family is fulfilled, I will sure take him for a HELL ride...Right now I just have to focus and work extra hard after all my savings and reserves for my children's education is being gobble up by him.

  55. After 4 months, then got all kinds of stories. Will blame Act Com for not setting up meeting with Fin Min.

  56. I also want to take Chong and all his family members for a ------- HELL RIDE.But I won't say how and when it will take place,but when it happens the entire country will be shocked.Don't mess with INDIANS.

  57. We have all got our arses torn.

  58. Any update from Act Com for meeting up with Fin Min.

  59. Act Com is in deep freeze


  61. He purposely drag the date for us. He won't give.

  62. Why is Act Com not updating us on this blog. Are they not computer savvy like the rest of us gathered here waiting for handout news.

  63. Or are they only good at gathering crowds shouting Chong kasi balek, Chong jumpa PM

  64. 3 things are certain:
    1) Chong will not pay back - why?
    2) Cos Indians cannot do anything to him and
    3) Govt will not help or do anything even when chong say he has OUR money.

  65. Chong has finally won. This blog was created for investors to share ideas how to get back from 1 man who stole our money and is freely moving around. 6000 and nothing can be done. He lied & lied & cheated and made us all fools until we give up. Act Com also has given up.

  66. May I know who are still the active members of act com. I want to talk to them.

  67. The no's are on the right top of this blog. Just call 1 of them & ask who is still active.

  68. All Bestino Investors, Please attend a candle-light vigil on Tuesday 7 August from 8pm to 9pm @ Buntong roundabout to support our Team who are attending Talks with Dato Seri Husni & Bestino Chong on Thurs 9 August in Putra Jaya, kindly forward message. Unite and support us for return of our investment.

    1. Thanks Action Committee for having succeeded in organizing this.

    2. Finally this much awaited meeting is on. Keep my fingers cross, though don't really expecting much at the moment, Hope Anonymous who called for the candle-light vigil please update us on the outcome of the meeting soonest possible. Thank you.

  69. All, today, what time is meeting in Putra Jaya? Thanks

  70. any updates from meeting today

  71. waiting for the latest news from the meeting today.
    please please please be a good news...

    1. waiting anxiously for the news from putrajaya

  72. Hope something come out of this meeting. All the best to the action committee. I wonder MIC is representing who. We are about 6,000 Indian and we are in a mess and this party is doing nothing.

  73. Please read up at FMT website for further details regarding today's meeting.

    1. http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2012/08/09/light-at-end-of-tunnel-for-bestino-investors/

      guys,I think this is the latest news

  74. chong claimed to have all the documents and also did say sometime ago that they had produced the documents to bnm, why does he need till end of the month?.we, should draw a time frame and everything should be settled before pru13 if possible.i think you guys know what i mean.

  75. Bestino investors meeting on Aug 12 at 3.00pm at the Buntong Multipurpose Hall (Dewan Serbaguna Buntong) to explain the outcome the meeting

  76. Light at end of tunnel for Bestino investors
    By Nantha Kumar
    | August 9, 2012 KUALA LUMPUR: There seems to be light at the end of the tunnel for over 6,500 people who invested in the Bestino group of companies to the tune of nearly RM400 million.

    The investors held a two-hour meeting with Bestino managing director Chong Yuk Ming, in the presence of Aminuddin Hanafiah, the political secretary of Finance Minister II Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, at the Treasury this morning.

    Bestino at the meeting agreed to provide details of the firm’s assets, A Gopal Nair the spokesman of Bestino Action Committee told FMT when contacted.

    He said Chong also agreed to provide the details of the fund to the Ministry of Finance before end of the month.

    “MOF will verify all the documents.They have also agreed to direct Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to facilitate the transfer of funds now parked out of the country back to Malaysia. This will allow the monies returned to the investors,” he added.

    Bestino was involved in a gold trading investment business. A total of 6,764 people invested some RM400 million since 2006 in the business.

    The firm was raided by the central bank and the Securities Commission (SC) in 2010 over suspicion of illegal money laundering.

    Since then, investors have urged both BNM and Bestino to return their investment.

    In February this year, Chong laimed that Bank Negara was yet to give the green light to settle the investors’ money.

    According to a news report on Feb 13, Chong said Bestino was ready to return the money to the investors on April 30 since the company had US$146 million (RM438 million) in the HSBC Bank, Hong Kong.

    This is despite BNM’s claim that there were no records to show that Chong owned properties outside the country.

    “In the meeting today, Chong agreed to provide all the necessary details to MOF,” said Gopal.

    He said towards the end of the meeting Husni joined the group and told Chong to honour his promise and settle the matter fast.

    Gopal also said that the action committee would hold a Bestino investors meeting on Aug 12 at 3.00pm at the Buntong Multipurpose Hall (Dewan Serbaguna Buntong) to explain the outcome the meeting

  77. I will only be happy once documents are sent to MoF, but until then i am skeptical and doubtful! Thats the person i have become thanks to this fiasco. I dont trust anybody or anything until i see it for myself!

  78. What’s the point of providing the details of assets to BNM/MOF when sometime back BNM already said that they have no issue for Bestino to bring back the funds and return to the investors.

    Recently Chong claimed that he is unable to transfer the money from HK HSBC due to unsettled issues with the local authorities there. What’s the status of that now?

    The way I see it, Chong might reuse the excuse of the HK authorities now to delay the refund until the court case is over. If he was serious in returning the money, he would have done it 3 years ago. It’s too late already now.

  79. the act com has done a great job. I thank them for all their efforts. They hv done all they can but I believe chong will not return our money. Why?
    1) Chong said he had all the proof - why din he take them when he went for the meeting? Why wait till end of month?
    2) If he was sincere, why he din ask BNM or MOF help earlier?
    3) Hanafiah or whoever was there in the meeting can only ask chong to honor his word. What does this mean? No one can actually force or do anything to him to give back our money.
    4) If chong does not keep his word, you think hanafiah or BNM or MOF can force him?
    5) Its back again with BNM & MOF - how long is this merry-go-round going to go on?
    6) If chong's money is ilegal or tainted in anyway, no way BNM or MOF can do anything.
    Act Com has done its job. Now if chong does not keep his word, what are the rest of us going to do? Thats the question.

  80. Why cant the gov pay our money n deal wit chong?

  81. Did the meeting take place yesterday at Buntong ? Any updates ? Thanks.

  82. Hi, Anybody went for yesterday meeting, please update

  83. Replies
    1. An uneducated moron. Beastie, I trust you know what to do.

    2. Looks like you have been eating it and recommending other ppl to do the same. is it nice???


  85. I was inform there's new director in bestino, Mr Chew, he now oversee the bestino ofc. How come bestino say no money but can employ new director bull shit right. ACtion committe we must worked fast, from keep on hearing all the monkey story from bestino...

  86. how come no one giving any update ? suddenly here quiet !!!

  87. what updates you want? When are the rest going to do something? You expect the act com to do everything? The day all of us stand up and do something, thats when we get back our money.

  88. Action com. vely action nowdays, they dont wanna do the dirty job on our behalf nowdays. Tell me how we can ALL stand up and do something nowdays.

    This torment is turning me into a lunatic and schizo, if you get my drift.

  89. yeah man. wasn't there suppose to be meeting last sunday ? what happened in this meeting ? only then we can see what to do next my friends. We can stand up and do something, but also got to see if we have enough numbers, right ?? so it is important to see how many turned up at that sunday meeting and the actions that are to be taken. then we work on a joint effort rather than bits and pieces.

  90. Right on, many investors don't live in Ipoh and are completely in the dark. Action Com. should give regular updates on this bong so that all investors will know what's happenning.

    Or maybe they are not computer savvy like the rest of us gathered here.

    Some response from them here would be most welcome.

  91. The Act Com is not paid by us. Its their own initiative. They don't need to update anyone. Why don't you start an act com and start updating us what you going to do? They have called for meetings, demo's etc so may times. Its ok if you don't go for some. Have you gone for any?

    1. Good point and point well taken. But it is really difficult for some of who stay in JB and have limited annual leave. Also, it is difficult to apply for annual leave on short notice. That's why we depend on this blog for updates.

  92. I agree with the short notice. If given notice, are at least half the investors willing to come, say 3000 for a demo? If there is a big crowd, there will be attention especially now elections is coming soon. But I guarantee only about 50 will turn up. The same old people like me who have lost everything I earned in my life. Where are the young ones? Dont let the chong lickers scare you with police action, arrest, etc. Many chong lickers in his blog & they have done a good job making this blog fail. People are fed up & are giving up. Thats why not many are updating or writing in this blog now. We need a big crowd - like bersih - then we can even get the foreign media action. This govt is not helping the rakyat at all. No one is helping. The young investors are too shy. So how? Kiss our money goodbye? Or just hope the old people will help us get our money back?

  93. Any suggestions what we can do if chong does not followup with BNM or MOF? We know for sure BNM or MOF not going to follow up. How is it that the money is in HSBC HK & can't get the money here? So what are we going to do? Or just let this cheat get away with RM400mil?

  94. Guess our money gone - no one responding. No action to be taken.

  95. A lot of things are being done by the action committee to get back the investors' money. But there is no support from the majority of the investors. Pls join the action committee.

  96. How do we join the action committee?

  97. Well, I attended two of the last three meetings, but sad to say that the meetings were conducted in Tamil and except Indians, I did not see any other races in the meetings. No one seemed to be interested to translate to me what was transpired during the meetings. I left the meeting with total disappointment on those two occasions. It seemed to me thus that the so-called meetings called by the Action Committee was only catered for the Indian investors with only the Indian investors in mind.

    1. friend, i symphatise wif u man. better talk english all can understand. tis show not only indian put in money but oth too.

  98. This blog was full of updates previously. But ever since chong met with the authorities, it is all quiet in here. is there something wrong ? did that meeting in ipoh stopped you'll from talking in here. i agree. we are from very far places and cannot attend at short notice.

    1. what you mean quiet ?? so much postings here.But i agreed no updates. yeah guess someone silensed them not to talk. WAS it the Chong lickers or the Act Comm ?? haha.

  99. well done to the Action Comm. most of the investors around ipoh , do not support by showing up to the meetings,candlelight vigil and ect. This Action Comm are not paid by us, so stop TALKING WITHOUT BRAINS and give your support. Weather i get my money back or not , i salute the Action Comm . I participate in all the activities and also call the Action Comm for latest updates.

    1. halo annai, who is saying we do not support action commitee ? looks like u talking without BRAINS man. we just want updates, not BRAINS. if each one call act comm everytime, they no need do their own thing ah. Cmon lar please USE YOUR BRAINS.

    2. why are you getting so up set. Did i mentioned that you are one who is TALKING WITHOUT BRAINS? BUT NOW IT IS CONFIRMED.

      People like you wants everything to be served to your doorstep without you moving an inch.Have you participated in any of the activities and do you know who are the current Action Comm members? Those names published as Action Comm in this blog are history.

    3. It does not matter whether you talk about me or someone else. If you had so much BRAINS, then why not you understand oth ppl's problems of getting to ipoh each time something happens. I went to one in putrajaya and BNM since i am here. So dont talk about inches and feet. Again your BRAINS are being put to test. How do you expect someone to know who is the action comm members in their number is not put up ? If I am BRAINLESS, so are you. Remember we are on the same boat. So stop talking about BRAINS.

  100. Great remark. Yes, apart from the action com, has anyone else done anything? I too salute the action com.

  101. yeah great. very great. then why not juz close down this blog and go straight to acc comm for updates ?? that will stop ppl from talking and writing here right. NO BRAINER !!!

  102. cmon frens no fight. we muz united. onli then can get $$$. if fight like tis whr lar.

  103. Has Chong provided details to MOF as he promised to do so by end of this month

  104. is anyone realize that during MOF AND chong MEETING AT PUTRAJAYA, that no mention about the funds being frozen in HK bank at all, that the most important point the the funds already frozen, dont understandwhat the hell they are doing , really brainless

  105. and also chomg dsay that wait 3 to 4 month on begining of MAY, if 4 month, it should be at begining of sept , but bestino office say that have to wait until end of sept to know the result. thern it already almost 5 month, that really no ending on those fucking case,

  106. Today is last day for chong to provide info, if he doesnt then our fears are correct.. there is no money to begin with.. all this is just him buying time! forget it laa.. Action Committee are also fed up.. call them up also they say no news.. its over.. just go on with ur lives.. want to rally rally all also for what.. money also not REAL ! all gone already!

  107. If the Action Comm does not know then it is indeed bad news ! So much so for Merdeka, our money has gained independence from our pockets. Screwed man !!!

  108. Merdeka merdeka merdeka - for chong & krishnan. What happened to krishnan. & what happened to the mid night blogger who get sms fr krishnan. All gone with our 400Mil.

  109. Just so simple, 6000 just let 1 cheat get away. And he is still walking freely with his Jaguars and still running his business. Can still keep his staff and building. 6000 cannot do anything. 1 big mass rally like bersih will do the job but just too few willing to join. and also too short notice. Friends, why not we try to somehow organise one big mass rally. Elections is coming. We can do a lot. We can carry banners, we can even carry banner saying MIC tak tolong. I know this sounds weird but it will catch the attention of the govt especially due to elections. Sometimes we need to do stupid or silly or weird things, only then we can start getting somewhere. Otherwise doing the standard ways of meeting the govt, Fin secretary, etc will not get us anywhere, not in this country. Sorry buts thats a fact. Together we stand, apart we fall.

  110. yeah man. let's do it. let's get stoooooopid !

  111. Bestino office says the usual "No news yet, sir."

  112. the ppl working in bestino must be a gifted lot. they just sit there and say "no news yet". if bestino put up a job advert, sure laku punya. AND in whose expenses ?? All the investors !!!

  113. Pleases check latest developments at freemalaysiatoday.com (yesterday's news).

  114. http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2012/09/06/dont-be-a-mere-postman-finance-ministry-told/

  115. Bloody bestino is just dragging its feet. If got 80% of proof, then just return the bloody 80% first lah. WTF !!! Playing wayang kulit for the Hungry Ghost festival ??? damn i prefer the girls in skimpy outfits than chong & co dancing lar !

  116. KUALA LUMPUR: Disgruntled investors in a scandal-ridden scheme run by the Bestino Group today asked the Finance Ministry to summon the political will to take concrete steps to help them get their money back.

    They accused Finance Minister II Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah of doing nothing more than act as a messenger for Bestino’s managing director, Chong Yuk Ming.

    “He should use his political will and ministerial power to resolve our problems,” said K Kunasekaran, who coordinates the activities of the Bestino Investors Action Committee.

    He told a press conference that Ahmad Husni’s office had simply forwarded to the action committee a letter that Chong wrote to the ministry on Aug 28, saying he was unable to meet his own Aug 31 deadline to provide proof that funds were available for Bestino to return the investors’ money.

    He sought an extension of the deadline to the end of September “or a later date”.

    “Don’t be a postman,” Kunasekaran said. “Resolve the problem instead of being a messenger for the Bestino Group director.”

    Kunasekaran’s committee submitted a memorandum on the matter to the ministry this morning.

    Bestino started a gold investment scheme in 2006 and collected funds amounting to RM411 million from 6,764 investors.

    In 2009, Bank Negara and the Securities Commission raided the company’s offices on suspicion that it was engaged in illegal deposit-taking operations.

    Bank Negara confiscated funds amounting to RM24.2 million for use as evidence.

    According to Kunasekaran, Chong has told the ministry that Bestino had managed to gather 80% of the proof of funds.

    The investors are unhappy with the ministry for not forcing the company to reveal such proof, especially since Chong had also admitted that he was in possession of gold bars.

    “Why is the government still silent on this matter? They can sell the gold bars and return the money to investors,” said Kunasekaran.

    Investors’ rally

    He also took Bank Negara to task for keeping the confiscated RM24.2 million instead of returning the money to investors.

    Four Bestino directors were charged in February last year over 322 financial offences. They were released on bail and the case is yet to be heard in court.

    The Bestino Investors Action Committee is organising a gathering for all the investors this Sunday at the Buntong multipurpose hall to decide on their next course of action.

    Kunasekaran said he would ensure that the plight of the investors would be used as an issue against Barisan Nasional during the 13th general election campaign if the problem were to remain unresolved

  117. So the proof that chong has been saying was never real. He has been cheating & lying to us from the start. Krishnan missing. Midnight blogger missing. Chong lickers laughing. And we 6000 are sitting doing nothing. One big rally - should do it. Properly planned and with enough notice. Inform the foreign press cos local press will not publish all this. Do you realise there has been no one from MIC helping us. No Govt help. How come? BNM no help. All say not their problem. Great country, great leadership. You guys think for yourselves.

  118. Regarding the gathering for all the investors this Sunday at the Buntong multipurpose hall, please let us know the time, and hope they speak in English and BM as well.

  119. another unfruitful meeting !!


  121. Does anyone have Kunasekaran phone no?

  122. Saya sudah bosang dengan ini,Cina ini suka menipu dan perbodoh,bodoh kan pelabur nya.Sekali ini kalau dia janji tak betul juga, saya minta semua pelabur doankan kepada tuhan agar CHONG DAN KELURGA NYA MUNTAH KELUAR DARAH BARU DIA TAHU.Janji mesti pegan janji,jangan menipu pelabur.Chong kalau nak janji biarkan 100% wang sudah ada di Malaysia, baru boleh janji kepada pelabur.Apa ini Chong JANJI...JANJI...JANJI tapi tak betul.Ini amaran keras kepada kamu da kelurga mu Chong,Pelabur semua menderita saya fikir kamu tahu atau buat tak tahu.Jangan main main SUMPAH INI MESTI JADI.SAYA TAK TAHU AWAK INI MANUSIA GULOGAN MANA MAIN MAIN DENGAN JANJI.APABILA AWAK JANJI DENGAN SESEORANG AWAK MESTI KOTA KAN.KAMI SEMUA PELABUR MINTA KEPADA KAMU BUAT LAH JANJI YANG TERHAKIR.SEBELUM TERLAMBAT.WANG KITA YANG DI-PEROLEHI DARI TITIK PELOH KERJA SIANG DAN MALAM. ADA PELABUR SUDAH MENIGGAL DUNIA TIDAK TAHAN DEGAN JANJI KOSONG ADA KAH AWAK TAHU ATAU BUAT TAK TAHU? SAYA CUKUP SEDEH DENGAN PERBUATAN KAMU INI. CHONG.MENBUNUH SATU PERSATU DENGAN SENYAP.

  123. semua kena tipu.janji kosong habok pun tada.celaka punya cina.

  124. Apa kita nak buat? Duduk diam & nangis??

  125. Brudder, buat bising dan marah marah sini pun tak ada gunanya. Apa orang sini nak buat. Semua dok diam je. Tunjuk marah and buat bising kat orang yang patut. Duit hang dah habis kena kebas. Nak buat macam mana lagik ??

  126. Kita pegi rumah cina tu. Ramai ramai. Baru dia tau.

  127. i heard today they went to putrajaya to meet the finance minister 2. any update ?

  128. yeah got update ..... not getting your money back ..... so soon ..... or not at all !!

  129. News on Bestino in today's newspaper (the Sun)- page 4
    Heading : Ministry gives Bestino ultimatum

  130. Guess what. The news has been taken off The Sun website. Something fishy ! Did you'll notice ?

  131. anyone with the sun paper can post the content here pls

  132. Hahaha. What else is new? Bestino news never comes out in main papers because its govt linked. Has any demo or action by the action com come out in papers. 6000 poor rakyat got cheated but any news in papers? Any help from govt? Candle light vigil also no news. But when bestino promises to pay back, news come out in papers - to show govt helping! Sun paper accidently published bestino news, govt sure very angry. Govt fully support chong, otherwise you think they keep quiet for so long? So they pull out the online news. Paper people forget. Or they will followup with another bestino news to cover & for people to forget this news.

  133. wow!!!They seriously had withdrawn the news from The Sun Daily online. What are they up to from the beginning???

  134. Now you know how corrupted this govt is. Think for your selves. For the damage, cheat we all have gone through, we must act. We must try to convince as many people as possible not to vote for BN. Vote for any other party but not BN. We must spread the news. We must do our part to bring this corrupt govt down. Just like what happened in the middle east.

  135. Yes I fully agree. Lets do somewhat like the Arab Spring, after all its our money that we would be protesting for. Now lets see if this would draw the attention of the PM if he/BN doesn't know about this already.

  136. Bestino investors threaten protest
    B Nantha Kumar | September 22, 2012
    Unhappy with the finance ministry for being slow in resolving their woes, investors in the gold investment scheme are planning a mass protest on Oct 18.
    PETALING JAYA: Bestino investors, frustrated with the Finance Ministry for being slow to resolve their woes, are threatening a mass protest on Oct 18 in front of the PM’s Office.
    The nation’s largest gold investment scheme investors also want Finance Minister II, Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, to fulfill his promise to resolve the issue before end of the month.
    K Kunasekaran who coordinates the activities of the Bestino Investors Action Committee said that investors were unhappy with the minister for dragging his feet on the matter.
    “If he does help us get back the money we invested in the company, we will organise a mass protest infront of the Prime Minister’s Office on Oct 18,” said Kunasekaran.
    Bestino started its gold investment scheme in 2006 and collected RM411 million from 6,764 investors.
    In 2009, Bank Negara and the Securities Commission raided the company’s offices on suspicion that it was engaged in illegal deposit-taking operations.
    Bank Negara also confiscated RM24.2 million from Bestino for use as evidence.
    Since then, the investors having been urging Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who is also Finance Minister, and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), to speedily resolve the matter.
    Bestino managing director Chong Yuk Ming, at a meeting with the investors and political secretary to Finance Minister II, agreed to provide details of his firm’s finances and assets.
    According to Kunasekaran, Chong promised Aminuddin Hanafiah, the minister’s political secretary, that he will submit relevant documents to the Finance Ministry before Aug 31.
    Minister not sincere
    However, Chong did not meet his own Aug 31 deadline to provide proof that Bestino had the funds to reimburse the investors and sought an extension of the deadline to September.
    Kunasekaran said the minister agreed to his request, and forwarded to investors a letter that Chong wrote to the ministry on Aug 28, saying he was unable to provide the proof.
    “As a minister he should use his ministerial powers to resolve our woes,” said Kunasekaran.
    At a meeting with Finance Minister II Ahmad Husni yesterday, Kunasekaran accused the minister of not being sincere in wanting to help sort out their predicament.
    “He gave lame excuses, saying the ministry will lodge a police report on behalf investors if Chong failed to submit proof of the funds as he promised.
    “Is the finance ministry’s powers limited to just lodging a police report?” asked Kunasekaran.
    Kunasekaran added that the investors are also fed-up with the minister’s reply on the status of RM24.2 million confiscated by Bank Negara.
    “He told us that he had to discuss with the Attorney-General before further action can be considered,” said Kunasekaran.
    In February last year, four Bestino directors, including Chong Yuk, were charged with 322 financial offences. They were released on bail and the case is yet come up for hearing.
    Kunasekaran also warned the government that the investors will not hesitate to used this issue against BN in the run up to 13GE if their problems remain unresolved.

  137. Dear all,

    Please be reminded that this is not a political blog. Please refrain from posting comments of a political nature. There are other blogs that serve that purpose. Please use those avenues for your political rantings. Thank-you.

  138. Ministry gives Bestino ultimatum
    Posted on 21 September 2012 - 09:17pm

    Hemananthani Sivanandam

    PUTRAJAYA (Sept 20, 2012): The Ministry of Finance has given the managing director of scandal-ridden investment company Bestino an ultimatum – provide proof of funds by the end of the month or a police report would be lodged against him.

    Bestino Action Committee spokesman A. Gopalan Nair said if Chong Yuk Ming fails to provide the proof of funds worth US$146 million (RM438 million), the political secretary to Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah would lodge a report against Chong.

    "Chong has been given until the end of September to provide the documents, failing which Datuk Aminuddin Hanafiah has been tasked with the responsibility of making the police report and the ministry will leave it to the police to take further action," Gopalan told reporters after meeting Ahmad Husni at the ministry today.

    Gopalan said once Chong provides the proof of funds, the ministry will direct Bank Negara (BNM) to investigate if funds are available.

    "If there is money, the government will facilitate the transfer of funds back to Malaysia and to be given back to the investors," he added.

    Some 500 people had turned up at the ministry demanding to meet with Ahmad Husni but he was out of his office to attend a meeting.

    At around 1.30 pm, when Ahmad Husni returned, he met 15 representatives of the group.

    Gopalan said Ahmad Husni also assured the group that he would ask the attorney-general (AG) to expedite the release of the confiscated funds by BNM amounting to RM24.2 million for use as evidence.

    "The minister also agreed to have a meeting with the AG and our lawyer to see how this matter can be resolved as soon as possible," he said.

    More than 6,500 people are said to have invested some RM400 million since 2006 in Bestino group, which was involved in gold trading investment.

    The firm was raided by the central bank and the Securities Commission (SC) in 2010 over suspicions of illegal money laundering.

    thesun published this on 21th September however I can't seem to find this news article in thesun website anymore

  139. Hope this time will success,we all waitting for so long already, nearly to be 4 years,and some of them aready pass away.Promise,promise but never do the promse.Actually i dont know what this Chong is in his mine,he want to goreng we all or what?Chong you already make million of intrest from our money what you want some more,You better give people money back enough la. CHONG YOU KNOW THAT YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER CRYING EVERYDAY AND NIGHT SAY THAT WHY MY SON DOING THIS THING ALL. CHONG ENOUGH..ENOUGH.

  140. The news in the Sun looks more promising while the other one in FMT looks more serious as though nothing concrete came from the meeting. This needs to be clarified, especially the Oct 18 protest.

    I can also see that the news in the Sun has been deliberately removed for reasons unknown. Am not sure if any apology or error was published in today's Sun.

    This definitely bags a lot of questions to what transpired in Putrajaya.

  141. Protest on 18 october infront of PM office,we want all investors to come down .make sure all the agen take part in this operation.every state investors must come. You all must tell the KUDA KAYU agen at your place that get a bus and we all go together.The bus no problem we share among us.All the agen never take intress at all ,before that everyday come to the house MACHAM MANA NAK MASOK. And every day telipone MACHAM MANA NAK MASOK.After become like this, they even dont give a single call. what type of agen like this SENANG PUNYA TIME MARI, SUSAH PUNYA TIME LARI.INI MANUSIA JENIS APA.If like this fried next time dont become a AGEN.BECOME KERBAU KENYAM LAGI BAGUS TIDUR DI RUMAH SAJA, TIDAK MENYUSAH KAN ORANG.Iam telling the truth frieds all the agen buat tak tahu saja.Same like the idiot CHONG.

  142. Very true, Agents are the responsible ones but nothing is done by the authorities to charge them..if Bestino closes shop, the agents will start to operate for Genneva, then swiss gold,lee cruz..all syndicates..they are culprits..Agree with the earlier comment-

  143. Helo. If agen ask u to jump down from the building u jump ah ? U put the money so it is ur mistake. dont simply try blame agen now jus to cover ur own mistake. so go find ur agent and ask him to drive u to protest lar. ask ur agen to also belanja u makan and minum to protest lar. wha da ........ man !!

  144. siapa makan cilli dia rasa pedas....

    1. betul tu bang. tapi sapa letak duit dia rasa lagik pedas bang oi ...

  145. Fucks, stop blaming der darn agents. It was basically our greed and our indiscretions. During that temporary period of pseudo euphoria, which we all went thru in a way, we lost our connection with the Divine Maker and d Creator. We gotta redial that number again.

    Cheers from Ipoh, Long may we Rock. Try to hold your socks.

  146. Chong will not falsify the document

  147. brudder, if we protes do we get money back ??

  148. Pray to GOD ,Sure we all will get back our money , dont worried brudder.The money we all invest is the money working day and night,under the sun with the sweating fall on the grown.If this CHONG really understand about how hard peoples to get money,then he must understad to give back peoples money.those are not working they are really sufering day and night and also crying day and night,there childrens still studying, where to get money? OM SAI RAM

  149. wah like this mean no need to worry la. what if the worry come true ?

  150. Chong,why are you not concert of share holders plight and why you delay by not submitting the informations as required by the Finance Ministry. What are you really up to.We see you are not honest.

  151. The Finance Ministry must have the foresight to interfere to help the Bestino investors made up of majority poor Indians.This may have adverse effect in the coming GE13 as now there are many sympathisers for Bestino investors if this matter is not resloved quickly.The forthcoming demontration at PM office is not a good sign if still the Finance Ministry turn deaf ears not wanting to assist the Bestino investors.Jangan nasI jadi bubur,Dato,you in the FM pse take note and be serious about it.

  152. something fishy is going on, don't know what is bestino's next episode.....i think they don't have a single cent from the 400 million we invested, that's why chong is playing the fool with the poor investors.maybe our entire money gone in the dust mines. please give an end to our predicarment... do something. anticipating for good news from batu pahat smith. tq

  153. The Bestino agents do invest most.with some investing in million ringgit Bestino shares.But they seem to be happy and I am very suspicous of them.Maybe,their money has been returned by Mr. Chong earlier.All investors start checking on this issue.

  154. Bestino to provide proof of fund by end Sept.and today is the last day. Any feed back if Bestino has submitted it.

    Hope for the best.
    Ipoh mali

  155. There is no money left...usually ponzy schemes like this is used to finance illegal activities like prostitution or mafia groups. The gold mines are only a camouflage.

    Chong's aim was to get money from fools like us. I dont think we will ever get it back. Just have to live with reality

  156. take 7 minutes to watch this video on Bernard Madoff ponzi scheme. You will understand how it works. Its similar to Bestino. The money is all gone


  157. How can brother you make me more sad,i hoped to get the money, and also waitting nearly 4 years suddenly you tell like this macham mahu pengsan,i am counting day by day went i will get back the money.wake up in morning thinking of BESTINO whent to give the money back.My family suffering no more money in the bank,why Gorvement dont want to help?Nak pergi kerja pun sudah tua tak larat.I DONT WHO WANT TO HELP US,SAYA PUN MACHAM MAHU JADI GILA.

  158. kalau betul di Hong Kong ada duit rm400juta tak boleh tranfer ke malasyia...apa kata kita buka acc kat sana dan suruh chong tranfer je masuk...sekurang-kurangnya duit dah dlm acc kita...selepas itu sendiri fikir cara tranfer masuk semula ke malaysia kan salah 1 jalan penyelesaian lebih baik dari tunggu dan tunggu sahaja.

  159. If there is a will there is a way.
    Let us all get together and find for solutions.

    Ipoh mali

    1. The solution is simple.keep demo at the PM office at least twice a month to create PM 's attention.

  160. The main thing is that, is it the money still got in the Hong kong bank?as what that blody Chong said.Must find out this first.No point we shouting among us if there is no money.catch this Chong and wolout him like kes ragut people, like we see in youtube blood here and there then only he will tell us where the money is.This BESTINO kes 100% worsts than kes ragut.Chong idiot ragut from us more than 400 million,why we want let him go like that only.KITA MESTI LANYAK DIA DAN KELURGA DIA SAMPAI DIA BERI WANG KITA SEMULA.ALAM ALAM MENGENGAM BARA BIAR SAMPAI JADI ARAM.KITA TAK BOLEH LEPAS DIA BEGITU SAHAJA.


  162. There is nothing the finance ministry or BNM or the police or PKR/BN can do if Chong does not want to return back the money. This is a private investment and not guaranteed by PIDM. If he was sincere, he would have made arrangements to return it back 4 years ago.

    Its a good idea for us to open a HSBC account in Hong Kong and ask chong to transfer the money to our accounts. But is he willing to do it? Does he really have the money in his account?

    Probably the action committee can bring this up and see if its a solution or not. If it doesn't then violence is the next step.

  163. Last week i went to bestino ofc, the chinese staff (Elene) told me chong will sure return the money, if he cheating means so long he closed the ofc & run away, chong very sincere to paybacks our money. she told becoz of hongkong middle man only our money getting delay. I heard that new director mr chew are handling our matter with hongkong ofc & now he incharge with chong on that issue, can anyone confirm on this part !!!

  164. This is the word from the Bestino ofc,for more than 3 years back,telling that want to give back the money,tapi habok pun ta da.chakap bukan macham bikin.the office people if dont know anything you better dont open your mouth,dont make me tear your blody cheetig mouth.we dont care who the new Director is,only we want our money back.If Chong want to return the money back ,he can make it long ago,why want to wait for more than 3 years.Chong i want ask you is it still not enough yet you are taking intrest 400 million from poor peoples money. CHONG, YOU ARE DRINKING POOR PEOPLES BLOOD EVERYDAY.I DONT KNOW WHAT IS GOING HAPPEN TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.6700 pelabor menderita dan sakit hati,saya hairan macham mana awak masih boleh hidup degan aman.

  165. The 3% interest was paid by taking money from new investors and paying the old investors. There were no investment done in either gold or anything.

    Once he gained the trust of everyone then tutup kedai. End of the day we manage to sapu 400miliion and we investors just bang balls.
